This Script takes random mp3 files from $MP3LIB
and copies them to $OUTDIR
until a $MAXSIZE
bytes were copied - It preserves directory structures. I use this script to fill my Rio Carbon Player with music from my collection (I leave some space for manual selections).
#!/usr/bin/perl my $MAXSIZE=3*1024*1024*1024; #3 Gigs my $MP3LIB="/ftp/mp3z/music"; my $OUTDIR="/mp3player/auto"; use File::Basename; use File::Copy; $|=1; print "loading available files... "; my @LIST = &getlist('',$MP3LIB); print "found $#LIST files.\n"; print "cleaning outdir... "; system("rm -rf $OUTDIR/"); print "done.\n"; print "copying files...\n"; my $s = 0; while ($s < $MAXSIZE){ my $file = splice(@LIST,int(rand scalar(@LIST)),1); $s += -s "$MP3LIB/$file"; mkdirp("$OUTDIR/".dirname($file)); copy("$MP3LIB/$file","$OUTDIR/$file"); print "$file\n"; } print "done.\n"; sub getlist($$){ my $path = $_[0]; my $base = $_[1]; opendir(DIR,"$base/$path"); my @files = readdir(DIR); closedir(DIR); my @list; foreach my $file (@files){ next if($file =~ /^\./); my $full = "$path/$file"; if(-d "$base/$full"){ push(@list,&getlist($full,$base)); }elsif($file =~ /\.mp3/i){ push(@list,$full); } } return @list } sub dbg(){ unless ($QUIET){ print STDERR @_; print STDERR "\n"; } } sub mkdirp(){ my $dir = shift(); my @parts = split('/',$dir); my $path = ''; foreach my $part (@parts){ $path .= "/$part"; unless(-d $path){ my $ok = mkdir($path); return $ok unless($ok); } } return 1; } · Last modified: 2006/11/13 13:32 by andi