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q3aserver [2007/11/02 23:44] [2007/11/03 07:43] (current) – old revision restored
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 +====== Quake 3 Arena dedicated Server ======
 +Here's a quickguide to running a Q3A dedicated server on a debian system.
 +I assume you have running [[Quake3Arena]] for linux running on your client computer already. We'll use this installation as base.
 +  * Create a user and it's home dir
 +  #> useradd -u 666 -g games -d /opt/games/quake3 quake3
 +  #> mkdir -p /opt/games/quake3
 +  #> chown games:games /opt/games
 +  #> chown quake3:games /opt/games/quake3
 +  * Copy the needed files over from your workstation
 +  #> su - quake3
 +  $> scp -r you@workstation:games/quake3 .
 +  * Create a link to make Q3A happy (this fixes some maybe problems)
 +  $> ln -s /opt/games/quake3 .q3a
 +  * Create a **new** ''baseq3/autoexec.cfg'' with the following basic values
 +set vm_game 2
 +set vm_cgame 2
 +set vm_ui 2
 +set dedicated 1       //dedicated but no announce
 +set com_hunkmegs 32   //How much RAM for your server
 +set net_port 32000    //The network port
 +  * Create a ''base3/server.cfg'' file with additonal parameters
 +seta sv_hostname "My Q3A Server"
 +seta sv_maxclients 8
 +seta g_motd "=== Happy fragging ==="
 +seta g_quadfactor 4
 +//### team deathmatch ###
 +//seta g_gametype 3
 +//seta g_teamAutoJoin 1
 +//seta g_teamForceBalance 1
 +//seta timelimit 15
 +//seta fraglimit 25
 +//### free for all ###
 +seta g_gametype 0
 +seta timelimit 10
 +seta fraglimit 15
 +seta bot_nochat 1
 +seta g_weaponrespawn 2
 +seta g_inactivity 3000
 +seta g_forcerespawn 0
 +seta g_log server.log
 +seta logfile 3
 +seta rconpassword "secret"
 +seta rate "12400"
 +seta snaps "40"
 +seta cl_maxpackets "40"
 +seta cl_packetdup "1"
 +  * Create a ''baseq3/levels.cfg'' file which contains all maps you want to use in rotation
 +set dm1 "map q3dm1; set nextmap vstr dm2"
 +set dm2 "map q3dm2; set nextmap vstr dm3"
 +set dm3 "map q3dm3; set nextmap vstr dm1"
 +vstr dm1
 +  * Set up some bots in a ''baseq3/bots.cfg''
 +seta bot_enable 1
 +seta bot_minplayers 4
 +addbot doom 3 blue 10
 +addbot orbb 3 red 10
 +addbot bones 3 blue 10
 +addbot major 3 red 10
 +Okay thats it. Now you can run your server with
 +  $> ./quake3.x86 +exec server.cfg +exec levels.cfg +exec bots.cfg
 +To automate this have a look at the init script below. Oh and be sure to open your firewall or your buddies can't connect.
 +===== Init Script =====
 +This script starts and stops the dedicated server. Installed to ''/etc/init.d/q3a_server'' and optionally linked to the default runlevel.
 +#! /bin/sh
 +set -e
 +OPTIONS="+exec server.cfg +exec levels.cfg +exec bots.cfg"
 +test -x $DAEMON || exit 0
 +case "$1" in
 +  start)
 +        echo -n "Starting Q3A"
 +        cd $BASEPATH
 +        start-stop-daemon --start --quiet -c $RUNAS --pidfile $PIDFILE \
 +                -N -10 -m -b -d $BASEPATH --exec $DAEMON -- $OPTIONS
 +        echo "."
 +        ;;
 +  stop)
 +        echo -n "Stopping Q3A"
 +        start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --pidfile $PIDFILE \
 +                --exec $DAEMON
 +        echo "."
 +        ;;
 +  restart|force-reload)
 +        $0 stop
 +        sleep 3
 +        $0 start
 +        ;;
 +  *)
 +        echo "Usage: $SCRIPTNAME {start|stop|restart|force-reload}" >&2
 +        exit 1
 +        ;;
 +exit 0