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 +====== Useful Linux Utilities ======
 +  * [[gpg]] options
 +===== Useful tools with hard to remember names =====
 +  * ''scrot -s'' -- takes screenshots of an area
 +  * generates passwords:
 +    - ''apg -a 1 -m 6 -x 6''
 +    - ''pwgen''
 +  * ''figlet foo'' -- creates an ASCII art formatted text
 +===== Mrxvt =====
 +[[|Mrxvt]] is a multitabbed terminal emulator based on RXVT. It doesn't require any heavy libraries like QT or GTK so it's ideal for a low powered laptop machine.
 +Place this into your ''~/.Xdefaults'' file for some nicer defaults.
 +mrxvt.font: 9x15
 +mrxvt.geometry: 100x30
 +mrxvt.reverseVideo: True
 +mrxvt.loginShell: True
 +mrxvt.scrollbarRight: True
 +mrxvt.scrollbarStyle: rxvt
 +mrxvt.bottomTabbar: True
 +mrxvt.saveLines: 1500
 +mrxvt.visualBell: True
 +Mrxvt.macro.Shift+Left: GotoTab -1
 +Mrxvt.macro.Shift+Right: GotoTab +1
 +Some tips:
 +  * Change tab with ''Shift+Right'' and ''Shift+Left''
 +  * Open a new tab with ''Shift+Ctrl+t''
 +  * Change the title of a tab by marking some text and middle click the tab's name
 +  * Open multiple tabs at startup with ''-tnum #'' in command-line args
 +===== SSH Port forwarding =====
 +Forward the webserver (port at to your local machine (port 8080) and allow open this port (8080) on all local interfaces (-g):
 +  $> ssh -L 8080: -N -g
 +===== File Transfer through existing SSH connection =====
 +Have you ever been logged into a machine (maybe even over multiple hosts) and then needed a file from you local host on that machine? Using a second connection with scp is a pain in the a** especially with multiple hops. The solution is [[|zssh]] - a wrapper around SSH and the zmodem protocol.
 +On you local machine just install it (''apt-get install zssh'' is your friend) and probably add the following to your ''~/.bashrc''
 +  alias ssh=zssh
 +When you are on the remote machine just press ''CTRL-Space'' to go into interactive mode (very much like FTP). To send a file use this:
 +  sz -e <file>
 +The ''-e'' option works around non 8-Bit clean terminals. You only need the ''lrzsz'' and ''ssh'' packages installed on the remote machine.
 +===== vmstat =====
 +Gives you some info about memory stats, IO and CPU states. Give sample rate in seconds as parameter.
 +  #> vmstat 3
 +===== dig =====
 +This is a powerful replacement for ''nslookup''
 +Doing a zone transfer if allowed:
 +  $> dig @nameserver domain.tld axfr
 +===== Unlocking a CD Writer with cdrdao =====
 +If a write failes the writer stays inaccessable sometimes - giving an error like this:
 +  logical unit not ready, long write in progress
 +Resetting the SCSI or ATAPI bus doesn't help. The tool cdrdao has an option to reset the device properly:
 +  #> cdrdao unlock
 +<del>===== Copy an audio CD with cdrdao =====</del>
 +Will use the recorder for reading and writing:
 +  #> cdrdao copy --device 0,0,0 --driver generic-mmc --datafile /exchange/cd.img --eject
 +===== Burn an ISO Image with cdrecord =====
 +  #> cdrecord -v dev=0,0,0 speed=16 driveropts=burnfree image.iso
 +===== VIM Setup in source file =====
 +You can embed Setup Commands for VIM in the source file. Here is an example for a Shell Script:
 +  #Setup VIM: ex: et ts=2 nowrap syntax=sh :
 +===== pgrep and pkill =====
 +From the [[man>pgrep|manpage]]:
 +> pgrep  looks through the currently running processes and lists the process IDs which matches the selection criteria to stdout.  All the criteria have to match.  For example, ''pgrep -u root sshd'' will only list the processes called sshd AND owned by root.  On the other hand, ''pgrep -u root,daemon'' will list the processes owned by root OR daemon.
 +> pkill will send the specified signal (by default SIGTERM) to each process instead of listing them on stdout.
 +This is a nice replacement for constructions like ''%%kill `ps ax|grep 'foo'|grep -v 'grep'|awk '{print $1}'`%%''
 +===== nast =====
 +Sweet Network Analyzer ( or just install the Debian Packages.
 +I like the ''-m'' (map LAN via ARP requests) and the ''-g'' (find a gateway host) switches most.
 +===== iostat I/O Device Usage Informations =====
 +This command-line tool is within the ''sysstat''-package and provides information about the cpu load/usage   and/or about basically any device in /dev/.
 +usage: iostat [device [device2..]] [refrehrate in sec] [repeats]
 +refrehsrate defaults to 0, means no repeats at all.
 +repeat defaults to infinite.
 +===== iptraf Network Load Informations =====
 +This command-line tool displays package information and Usage of several network interfaces.
 +It has a console-graphical interface and serveral configuration options. See man-page.
 +===== httrack Website Copier =====
 +To fetch a whole site use this command:
 +  $> httrack -K0 -%q0 --keep-alive --urlhack -D
 +===== mplayer / mencoder =====
 +This gives you the suggested crop parameters:
 +  $> mplayer -vf cropdetect somemovie.avi
 +This concats two avi files
 +  $> cat part1.avi part2.avi| mencoder -noidx -ovc copy -oac copy -o output.avi -
 +For rotating MJPEG movies as produced by the [[PowerShot S2 IS]]. This is not completely lossless but the best way I could find:
 +  $> mencoder -vf rotate=2 -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mjpeg -oac copy -o output.avi input.avi
linuxutils.txt · Last modified: 2008/05/24 20:20 by