====== Features ====== These are some of the features of [[vdb:VideoDB]] * fetch movie data/covers from external sites: * [[http://www.imdb.com|Internet Movie Database]], the primary data provider for VideoDB (supports all movie information including images) * [[http://www.amazon.com|Amazon]] (allows partial data only but supports images) * [[http://www.tvtome.com|TV Tome]] (supports actor and TV series/ episodes information but no images) * [[http://images.google.com|Google Images]] (supports images) * fetched images for covers or actors are cached locally * mark movies as seen * advanced search functionality to find items by * genre * title/subtitle * plot * cast data and many more * filter for TV episodes * random movie function * simple borrow manager * multilanguage support (english, german, italian, spanish, french, polish, portuguese, russian, bulgarian, brasilian portuguese) * up to four user definable fields that can be adjusted with custom input/output functions for your needs * allow access restriction to local network only * design is completely customizable using [[http://smarty.php.net|Smarty]] templates * internal IMDB Browser allows easy addition of data * multiuser support * [[vdb:xml|XML Import/Export]] * add games etc xbox ps2 and link to www.gamespot.com just like imdb