====== Linux Snippets ====== ===== Disable firewall logging to console ===== Edit ''/etc/init.d/klogd'' and set KLOGD="-c 4" ===== mysqldump Options ===== #> mysqldump -u user -p --complete-insert --add-drop-table --databases db1 db2 other options --no-data --no-create-info --no-create-db ===== Export local webserver to public server ===== ssh andi@gaz.splitbrain.org -R *:8888:localhost:80 ===== Show humanreadable date from timestamp ===== $> perl -e 'print scalar(localtime(1098189697))."\n";' ===== Swapfile ===== Sometimes you need some swap space. Here is how to add some to a running system: # dd if=/dev/zero of=/extraswap bs=1M count=512 # mkswap /extraswap # swapon /extraswap ===== Fedora yum Setup ===== Import GPG keys for installing via yum rpm --import /usr/share/rhn/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora ===== UTF-8 Terminal on an latin1 system ===== Sometimes you need a terminal which can display UTF-8 but your system still uses latin1. Here is what I did: Install a unicode aware teminal emulator: #> apt-get install rxvt-unicode Make sure you have a UTF-8 locale available eg. ''en_US.utf-8'' (check with ''locale -a''), use ''dpkg --reconfigure locales'' to build one if needed. Add this to your ''~/.bashrc'' alias uterm='LANG=en_US.utf8 urxvt' Now run ''uterm'' whenever you need the UTF-8 terminal. ===== Find string in various files ===== find . | xargs grep 'string' Or if you don't need the flexibility of find: grep -R "string" * (-R for recursive; the star as a file matching pattern)