====== Apache logfile colorizer ====== This simple script reads loglines in Apaches "combined" format from STDIN, and prints relevant data nicely colored to the terminal. This script is very nice to watch whats going on on your website. #!/usr/bin/perl $black="\033[30m"; $red="\033[31m"; $green="\033[32m"; $yellow="\033[33m"; $blue="\033[34m"; $magenta="\033[35m"; $cyan="\033[36m"; $white="\033[37m"; while(){ m/(\S+?) (\S+?) (\S+?) \[(.+?)\] "\S+? (\S+?) HTTP\S+?" (\d*?) (\d*?) "(.*?)" "(.*?)"/; print $red; print "$1 "; # IP print $green; print "$6 "; # Status print $yellow; print "$5 "; # Request print $cyan; print "$8 "; # Referrer print $magenta; print "$9 "; # Browser print $white; print "\n"; } Example Usage: $> tail -f /var/log/apache/access.log | ./livelog.pl